
Nivell 2


Avança a: Assassina 

Advance from: Lladre

HP: 40  Cost: 24  Moviments: Alineació: caòtica  XP: 70

Habilitats: esquiva

The ringleaders of any group of thieves earn their positions by skill. These rogues have spent many an unpleasant moment darting through crowds and dodging away from those who wish them ill, a set of skills which is very handy in a fight. Masters of knifework, they can also throw knives with reliable accuracy, and their long hours of prowling around at night leave them more comfortable fighting in the dark.

unit help^Attacks

Nom Tipus Cops Abast Especial
daga talla 6-3 melé punyala 
ganivet talla 4-3 distància  


talla -30%
fred 0%
foc 0%
sagrat 20%
impacta -20%
perfora -20%

Modificadors de terreny

Terreny Moviment Defensa
Castell 1 70%
Llogaret 1 70%
Aigua profunda 99 30%
Aigua baixa 2 40%
Prada 1 60%
Bosc 2 70%
Colls 2 70%
Muntanyes 3 70%
Pantà 2 40%
Sorra 2 40%
Cova 2 50%
Neu 2 40%
Mushroom Grove 2 70%
Chasm 99 20%

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