
Nivell 2


Avança a:

Advance from: Ghoul

HP: 47  Cost: 27  Moviments: Alineació: caòtica  XP: 40


Driven ravenous by an unholy hunger for dead flesh, Necrophages attack their hoped-for food with beast-like ferocity. When they are sated with the flesh of their victims, they simply shrug off all damage sustained as if they had been freshly summoned, to begin their search for flesh again.

unit help^Attacks

Nom Tipus Cops Abast Especial
urpes talla 7-3 melé verí 


talla 10%
fred 40%
foc 10%
sagrat -100%
impacta 0%
perfora 30%

Modificadors de terreny

Terreny Moviment Defensa
Castell 1 60%
Llogaret 1 60%
Aigua profunda 100 10%
Aigua baixa 3 20%
Prada 1 40%
Bosc 2 50%
Colls 2 50%
Muntanyes 3 60%
Pantà 2 30%
Sorra 2 30%
Cova 2 40%
Neu 2 30%
Mushroom Grove 2 60%
Chasm 99 20%

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