
Vlak 1


Bevorder na: Uitvaagsel 

Word bevorder van:

LP: 24  Koste: 13  Skuiwe: Orde: chaoties  EP: 28


For as long as anyone can remember, the members of the various 'guilds' of rat-catchers that spring up in any larger city have had a curious practice of bleaching their hair with lime till it becomes a pale shade of blue. It is a bold thing to do, as their profession often delves into less-than-legal enterprises. Thieves have many skills, and by necessity are both light on their feet, and good with knives. They happily employ less-than-honorable tactics in combat, seeing little purpose in a 'fair fight'.


Naam Tipe Trefhoue Afstand Spesiaal
dolk lem 4-3 nabygeveg rugsteek 


lem -30%
koue 0%
vuur 0%
heilige 20%
impak -20%
steek -20%


Terrein Beweging Verdediging
Kasteel 1 70%
Dorpie 1 70%
Diep water 99 30%
Vlak water 2 40%
Graslande 1 60%
Woud 2 70%
Heuwels 2 70%
Berge 3 70%
Moeras 2 40%
Sand 2 40%
Grot 2 50%
Sneeu 2 40%
Mushroom Grove 2 70%
Chasm 99 20%

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