Gran caballero

Nivel 3


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Advance from: Caballero

PV: 78  Cost: 100  Movimiento: Alineamiento: legal  PX: 100


Grand Knights have reached the acme of skill with sword and lance. Wearing full plate, and riding steeds bred more for power than for speed, these warriors form the core of any serious cavalry force. A grand knight at the head of a charge is a terrifying sight for infantry, and is often enough to break right through a defensive line. +


Nombre Tipo Ataques Alcance Especial
espada de filo 12-4 short  
lanza perforante 17-2 short carga 


de filo 20%
frío 0%
fuego 0%
sagrado 20%
impacto 30%
perforante -20%

Modificadores por terreno

Terreno Movimiento Defensa
Castillo 1 40%
Aldea 1 40%
Aguas profundas 100 20%
Aguas someras 4 20%
Pradera 1 40%
Bosque 3 30%
Colinas 2 40%
Montañas 100 20%
Pantano 4 20%
Arena 2 30%
Cueva 4 20%
Tundra 2 30%

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